A corporate wine tour is one of the best ways to show clients and employees that they are appreciated. If a company is thinking of mixing business and pleasure with an important client, choosing a picturesque winery with a complete wine package tour is a great recommendation. Our 20-year-old wine tour company provides a variety of corporate wine tasting packages and tours showcasing products from the local wineries. Situated in one of the most beautiful areas in New York, our wine tours will surely impress.
Building a relationship. A wine tour provides a more relaxing social ambience than the usual dinner and happy hour can give. It’s much more sophisticated, too. Setting up a corporate wine tour, either for the client or for the employees, is a great and entertaining way to loosen up and learn more about each other in a less formal setting.
Creating a customized experience. Scheduling a corporate wine tour for the client or the employees implies that the company thinks and cares about its people. A wine tour is a great deal more enjoyable and memorable for everyone. It can also be a new experience for many since not all has had the privilege to enjoy such luxuries. Moreover, the wine tour provider can customize the package for everyone. This means arranging different wines, cheeses, and cold cuts to suit the preference of the group.
Providing interesting knowledge. A wine tour is a great opportunity to gain knowledge of the industry. Learn things like the foods that pair best, or perhaps the country of origin of your favorite style of wine.
Strengthening camaraderie. More often than not, a wine tour consists of multiple stops to visit and various activities the group can participate in. This is brilliant as a team building experience for employees. Aside from what amounts to “drinking on the job”, essentially, wine tours provide cozier surroundings to just relax and temporarily leave office responsibilities behind, all while getting to know one another better.
Stirring a new passion. Wine tours are conducted on picturesque chateaus with rows after rows of wine grapes or in a rustic building with barrels after barrels of wines. These kdrops are excellent for those who want to explore photography or are already keen photographers. It’s yet another way to bond more with everyone. Not to mention, a great place to shoot photos that can be uploaded to the company’s website.
This type of wine tour is a mixture of fun, cool, and classy.. easily something that every client or worker can enjoy.